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<NIPhotoAlbumScrollViewDelegate> Protocol Reference


The photo album scroll view delegate.

See also:

Definition at line 29 of file NIPhotoAlbumScrollViewDelegate.h.

Inheritance diagram for <NIPhotoAlbumScrollViewDelegate>:
<NIPagingScrollViewDelegate> NIToolbarPhotoViewController


[NIPhotoAlbumScrollViewDelegate] Scrolling and Zooming
(void) - photoAlbumScrollView:didZoomIn:
[NIPhotoAlbumScrollViewDelegate] Data Availability
(void) - photoAlbumScrollViewDidLoadNextPhoto:
(void) - photoAlbumScrollViewDidLoadPreviousPhoto:
[NIPhotoAlbumScrollViewDelegate] Scrolling and Zooming
(void) - pagingScrollViewDidScroll:
[NIPagingScrollViewDelegate] Changing Pages
(void) - pagingScrollViewDidChangePages:

Method Documentation

- (void) photoAlbumScrollView: (NIPhotoAlbumScrollView *)  photoAlbumScrollView
didZoomIn: (BOOL)  didZoomIn 

The user double-tapped to zoom in or out.

- (void) photoAlbumScrollViewDidLoadNextPhoto: (NIPhotoAlbumScrollView *)  photoAlbumScrollView

The next photo in the album has been loaded and is ready to be displayed.

- (void) photoAlbumScrollViewDidLoadPreviousPhoto: (NIPhotoAlbumScrollView *)  photoAlbumScrollView

The previous photo in the album has been loaded and is ready to be displayed.

- (void) pagingScrollViewDidScroll: (NIPagingScrollView *)  pagingScrollView

The user is scrolling between two photos.

- (void) pagingScrollViewDidChangePages: (NIPagingScrollView *)  pagingScrollView

The current page has changed.

pagingScrollView.centerPageIndex will reflect the changed page index.

Generated for Nimbus by doxygen 1.7.4-20110629