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An iOS framework whose growth is bounded by O(documentation).
<NIOperationDelegate> Protocol Reference


The delegate protocol for an NIOperation.

Definition at line 95 of file NIOperations.h.

Inheritance diagram for <NIOperationDelegate>:
NIChameleonObserver NINetworkImageView


[NIOperationDelegate] State Changes
(void) - nimbusOperationDidStart:
(void) - nimbusOperationWillFinish:
(void) - nimbusOperationDidFinish:
(void) - nimbusOperationDidFail:withError:

Method Documentation

- (void) nimbusOperationDidStart: (NIOperation *)  operation

The operation has started executing.

- (void) nimbusOperationWillFinish: (NIOperation *)  operation

The operation is about to complete successfully.

This will not be called if the operation fails.

This will be called from within the operation's runloop and must be thread safe.

- (void) nimbusOperationDidFinish: (NIOperation *)  operation

The operation has completed successfully.

This will not be called if the operation fails.

- (void) nimbusOperationDidFail: (NIOperation *)  operation
withError: (NSError *)  error 

The operation failed in some way and has completed.

operationDidFinish: will not be called.

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