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NIOperation Class Reference


A base implementation of an NSOperation that supports traditional delegation and blocks.


A subclass should call the operationDid* methods to notify the delegate on the main thread of changes in the operation's state. Calling these methods will notify the delegate and the blocks if provided.

Definition at line 46 of file NIOperations.h.

Inheritance diagram for NIOperation:
NINetworkRequestOperation NINetworkImageRequest NINetworkJSONRequest NINetworkJSONRequest


id< NIOperationDelegatedelegate property
Post-Operation Properties
NSError * lastError property
NSInteger tag property
NIBasicBlock didStartBlock property
NIBasicBlock didFinishBlock property
NIErrorBlock didFailWithErrorBlock property
NIBasicBlock willFinishBlock property

The following methods are provided to aid in subclassing and are not meant to be used externally.

(void) - didStart
(void) - didFinish
(void) - willFinish

Method Documentation

- NIOperation: [read, write, assign]

The delegate through which changes are notified for this operation.

All delegate methods are performed on the main thread.

Definition at line 48 of file NIOperations.h.

- NIOperation: [read, retain]

The error last passed to the didFailWithError notification.

Definition at line 49 of file NIOperations.h.

- NIOperation: [read, write, assign]

A simple tagging mechanism for identifying operations.

Definition at line 50 of file NIOperations.h.

- NIOperation: [read, write, copy]

The operation has started executing.

Performed on the main thread.

Definition at line 54 of file NIOperations.h.

- NIOperation: [read, write, copy]

The operation has completed successfully.

This will not be called if the operation fails.

Performed on the main thread.

Definition at line 55 of file NIOperations.h.

- NIOperation: [read, write, copy]

The operation failed in some way and has completed.

didFinishBlock will not be executed.

Performed on the main thread.

Definition at line 56 of file NIOperations.h.

- NIOperation: [read, write, copy]

The operation is about to complete successfully.

This will not be called if the operation fails.

Performed in the operation's thread.

Definition at line 57 of file NIOperations.h.

- (void) didStart

On the main thread, notify the delegate that the operation has begun.

Definition at line 67 of file NIOperations.m.

- (void) didFinish

On the main thread, notify the delegate that the operation has finished.

Definition at line 75 of file NIOperations.m.

- (void) willFinish

In the operation's thread, notify the delegate that the operation will finish successfully.

Definition at line 93 of file NIOperations.m.

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