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An iOS framework whose growth is bounded by O(documentation).
NIFormElementCell Class Reference


The base class for form element cells.

Doesn't do anything particularly interesting other than retaining the element.

Definition at line 101 of file NIFormCellCatalog.h.

Inheritance diagram for NIFormElementCell:
<NICell> NISwitchFormElementCell NITextInputFormElementCell


(BOOL) - shouldUpdateCellWithObject:
(CGFloat) + heightForObject:atIndexPath:tableView:

Method Documentation

- (BOOL) shouldUpdateCellWithObject: (id)  object [required, inherited]

Called when a cell is created and reused.

Implement this method to customize the cell's properties for display using the given object.

+ (CGFloat) heightForObject: (id)  object
atIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)  indexPath
tableView: (UITableView *)  tableView 
[static, optional, inherited]

Should be used in tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: to calculate dynamic cell heights.

The following is an appropiate implementation in your tableView's delegate:

-(CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
  CGFloat height = tableView.rowHeight;
  id object = [(NITableViewModel *)tableView.dataSource objectAtIndexPath:indexPath];
  id class = [object cellClass];
  if ([class respondsToSelector:@selector(heightForObject:atIndexPath:tableView:)]) {
    height = [class heightForObject:object atIndexPath:indexPath tableView:tableView];
  return height;
Generated for Nimbus by doxygen 1.7.4-20110629