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NICSSParser Class Reference


An Objective-C wrapper for the flex CSS parser.

Generates a dictionary of raw CSS rules from a given CSS file.

It is recommended that you do NOT use this object directly. Use NIStylesheet instead.

Terminology note: CSS selectors are referred to as "scopes" to avoid confusion with Objective-C selectors.

This object is not thread-safe.

Definition at line 38 of file NICSSParser.h.


BOOL didFailToParse property
(NSDictionary *) - dictionaryForPath:pathPrefix:delegate:
(NSDictionary *) - dictionaryForPath:pathPrefix:
(NSDictionary *) - dictionaryForPath:

Method Documentation

- NICSSParser: [read, assign]

Will be YES after retrieving a dictionary if the parser failed to parse the file in any way.

Definition at line 72 of file NICSSParser.h.

- NICSSParser: (NSString *)  path
pathPrefix: (NSString *)  pathPrefix
delegate: (id<NICSSParserDelegate>)  delegate 

Reads a CSS file from a given path and returns a dictionary of raw CSS rule sets.

If a pathPrefix is provided then all paths will be prefixed with this value.

For example, if a path prefix of "/bundle/css" is given and a CSS file has the statement "@import url('user/profile.css')", the loaded file will be "/bundle/css/user/profile.css".

pathThe path of the file to be read.
pathPrefix[optional] A prefix path that will be prepended to the given path as well as any imported files.
delegate[optional] A delegate that can reprocess paths.
A dictionary mapping CSS scopes to dictionaries of property names to values.
- NICSSParser: (NSString *)  path
pathPrefix: (NSString *)  rootPath 
- NICSSParser: (NSString *)  path
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