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<NISnapshotRotationDelegate> Protocol Reference


The methods declared by the NISnapshotRotation protocol allow the adopting delegate to respond to messages from the NISnapshotRotation class and thus implement snapshot rotations.

Inherited by NITableViewSnapshotRotation().


Accessing Rotation Views
(UIView *) - containerViewForSnapshotRotation:
(UIView *) - rotatingViewForSnapshotRotation:
Configuring Fixed Insets
(UIEdgeInsets) - fixedInsetsForSnapshotRotation:

Method Documentation


Tells the delegate to return the container view of the rotating view.

- (UIView*)containerViewForSnapshotRotation:(NISnapshotRotation *)snapshotRotation;

This is often the controller's self.view. This view must not be the same as the rotatingView and rotatingView must be in the subview tree of containerView.

   @sa NISnapshotRotation::rotatingViewForSnapshotRotation:


Tells the delegate to return the rotating view.

- (UIView*)rotatingViewForSnapshotRotation:(NISnapshotRotation *)snapshotRotation;

The rotating view is the view that will be snapshotted during the rotation.

This view must not be the same as the containerView and must be in the subview tree of containerView.

   @sa NISnapshotRotation::containerViewForSnapshotRotation:


Asks the delegate to return the insets of the rotating view that should be fixed during rotation.

- (UIEdgeInsets)fixedInsetsForSnapshotRotation:(NISnapshotRotation *)snapshotRotation;

This method will only be called on iOS 6.0 and higher.

The returned insets will denote which parts of the snapshotted images will not stretch during the rotation animation.