19 #import "NINonRetainingCollections.h"
21 #if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
22 #error "Nimbus requires ARC support."
26 return (__bridge_transfer NSMutableArray *)CFArrayCreateMutable(nil, 0, nil);
30 return (__bridge_transfer NSMutableDictionary *)CFDictionaryCreateMutable(nil, 0, nil, nil);
34 return (__bridge_transfer NSMutableSet *)CFSetCreateMutable(nil, 0, nil);
NSMutableSet * NICreateNonRetainingMutableSet(void)
Creates a mutable set which does not retain references to the values it contains. ...
NSMutableDictionary * NICreateNonRetainingMutableDictionary(void)
Creates a mutable dictionary which does not retain references to the values it contains.
NSMutableArray * NICreateNonRetainingMutableArray(void)
Creates a mutable array which does not retain references to the objects it contains.