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<NILauncherViewModelDelegate> Protocol Reference


The delegate for NILauncherViewModel.

This delegate allows you to configure the launcher button views before they are displayed.


(void) - launcherViewModel:configureButtonView:forLauncherView:pageIndex:buttonIndex:object:

Method Documentation


Tells the delegate to configure a button view in a given page.

- (void)launcherViewModel:(NILauncherViewModel *)launcherViewModel configureButtonView:(UIView<NILauncherButtonView> *)buttonView forLauncherView:(NILauncherView *)launcherView pageIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex buttonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex object:(id<NILauncherViewObject>)object;
launcherViewModelThe launcher-view model requesting this configuration.
buttonViewThe button view that should be configured.
launcherViewThe launcher-view object that will displaly this button view.
pageIndexThe index of the page where this button view will be displayed.
buttonIndexThe index of the button in the page.
objectThe object that will likely be used to configure this button view.