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NICollectionViewCellObject Class Reference


A light-weight implementation of the NICollectionViewCellObject protocol.

Use this object in cases where you can't set up a hard binding between an object and a cell, or when you simply don't want to.

For example, let's say that you want to show a cell that shows a loading indicator. Rather than create a new interface, LoadMoreObject, simply for the cell and binding it to the cell view, you can create an NICollectionViewCellObject and pass the class name of the cell.

[contents addObject:[NICollectionViewCellObject objectWithCellClass:[LoadMoreCell class]]];
Inheritance diagram for NICollectionViewCellObject:


id userInfo property
(Class) - collectionViewCellClass

Method Documentation


An object that can be used to populate information in the cell.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) id userInfo;


The class of cell to be created when this object is passed to the cell factory.

- (Class)collectionViewCellClass;