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<NIRadioGroupDelegate> Protocol Reference


The delegate for NIRadioGroup.

Definition at line 86 of file NIRadioGroup.h.


(void) - radioGroup:didSelectIdentifier:
(NSString *) - radioGroup:textForIdentifier:
(void) - radioGroup:radioGroupController:willAppear:

Method Documentation

- (void) radioGroup: (NIRadioGroup *)  radioGroup
didSelectIdentifier: (NSInteger)  identifier 

Called when the user changes the radio group selection.

radioGroupThe radio group object.
identifierThe newly selected identifier.
- (NSString *) radioGroup: (NIRadioGroup *)  radioGroup
textForIdentifier: (NSInteger)  identifier 

Fetches the text that will be displayed in a radio group cell for the current selection.

This is only used when the radio group is added to a table view as a sub radio group.

- (void) radioGroup: (NIRadioGroup *)  radioGroup
radioGroupController: (NIRadioGroupController *)  radioGroupController
willAppear: (BOOL)  animated 

The radio group controller is about to appear.

This method provides a customization point for the radio group view controller.

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