The iOS framework that grows only as fast as its documentation
NILauncherButtonView Class Reference


A launcher button view that displays an image and and a label beneath it.

This view shows the icon anchored to the top middle of the view and the label anchored to the bottom middle. By default the label is a single line label with NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail.

Example of an NILauncherButton
Inheritance diagram for NILauncherButtonView:
<NIRecyclableView> <NILauncherButtonView> <NILauncherViewObjectView> <NIRecyclableView>


NSString * reuseIdentifier property
(void) - prepareForReuse
NSString * reuseIdentifier property
Accessing Subviews
UIButton * button property
UILabel * label property
Configuring Display Attributes
UIEdgeInsets contentInset property
Updating a Launcher Button View
(void) - shouldUpdateViewWithObject:

Method Documentation


The button view that should be used to display the launcher icon.

@property (nonatomic, strong) UIButton* button;


The label view that should show the title of the launcher item.

@property (nonatomic, copy) UILabel* label;


The distance that the button and label are inset from the enclosing view.

@property (nonatomic) UIEdgeInsets contentInset;

The unit of size is points. The default value is 5 points on all sides.


The identifier used to categorize views into buckets for reuse.

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString* reuseIdentifier;

Views will be reused when a new view is requested with a matching identifier.

If the reuseIdentifier is nil then the class name will be used.


Called immediately after the view has been dequeued from the recycled view pool.

- (void)prepareForReuse;


The identifier used to categorize views into buckets for reuse.

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString* reuseIdentifier;

Views will be reused when a new view is requested with a matching identifier.

If the reuseIdentifier is nil then the class name will be used.


Informs the receiver that a new object should be used to configure the view.

- (void)shouldUpdateViewWithObject:(id)object;